Saturday, March 7, 2009

Filipino Escrima Seminar ....

Escrima Seminar.
Date confirmed: March 21, 2009. You know how we do it, short notice but guaranteed every $ and minute of time you sacrafice to attend. In 2007 and 2008, our workshops focused on understanding what I call Filipino Escrima (aka. Filipino Martial Arts). In a time where Filipino Martial Arts have been branded to credit a "Master" or put an individual's name above the Art itself, I attempt to roll back the clock a little and give insight to a era when even "the Old Ones","the Manongs", "the Grandfathers" of Filipino Martial Arts just played ESCRIMA, ARNIS, or KALI.

In 2009, we'll continue our mission to understand the functional applications of the art, as well as constantly revisiting individual skill development. We'll also be covering specific techniques for you to keep, remember, play with, and at some point be tested on. It's gonna be a great year and a great series of seminars! Hope you can attend.

Date: Saturday - March 21, 2009
Time: 10am - 1pm.
Cost: Only $20.00
Location: Roldan Madrid's Kemscrima Doh Academy
1100 Carver Road
Modesto, Ca

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