Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kemscrima Doh Testing - San Francisco

On September 21, 2009, the San Francisco Kemscrima Doh Group, headed by Jimmy McCollom, held a rank testing which was hosted by long time friend Grandmaster Merrill Jung.

I hope everyone is doing well!

(back row, left-right) Peggy Loo, Kevin Luong, Tyler Sano, Craig Sano, Lynda Sakseangvirat, Betty Liao, Sandra Szeto, Luis Monteza, Chris Abrescy
(second row, left-right) Dan Cresci, Sifu Lee, Sifu Abrescy, GM Jung, Jimmy McCullough, Nacho (?), Lindsay Sano
(third row, left-right) Johnathan Tseng, Stanley Weng, Britney DeLong, Felix Monteza, Julio Monteza, Selena Weng, Nicholas Ngin
(bottom row, left-right) Alissa Herrera, Thomas Loi, Jian-Carlo Rodriguez, Henry Rodriguez, Christopher Lee, Marvin Luong, Anthony Szeto

Thanks again for a great day! My crew is looking forward to many more.
As Always,

Christopher Abrescy, Lindsey Sato, Craig Sato, and Tyler Sato.

Grandmaster Merrill Jung, Grandmaster Glenn Abrescy, Sifu Donald Lee.

GM Merrill Jung and GM Glenn "Sifu" Abrescy

Lindsey Sato and Christopher Abrescy

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