Friday, January 22, 2010

Bi-Monthly Escrima Workshop

Stop by and check out the Bi-Monthly Escrima Workshop at the East Wind Dojo. Tomorrow's topic of the day is the "Escrima" in Kemscrima Doh. We will be investigating the core techniques and concepts Kemscrima Doh has in common with other escrima curriculums,methods, and styles, as well as exploring variations, strengths, and possible counter attack strategies. More than technique, we hope to commute skill and understanding that will serve the defense minded individual today, tomorrow, and far into the future. Technical tributes to Leo Giron, Blaise Loong, Rene Latosa, Steve Tarani, and more are a scheduled part of the lesson plan.

Hope to see you there!

Fee: $10. per participant / Spectators FREE!

Date: Saturday January 23, 2010

Time: 11am - 1PM

Location: East Windmartial Arts

1635 G. Street

Merced, Ca.

Phone: (209)723 1358 or (209) 406-5160 cell/vm



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